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Salesforce Integration









It happened in a day. After weeks of rumors, the official announcement came out today; you are now part of a larger company. Whether you are the acquirer or the acquiree, your life as a sales leader just became more challenging.

All mergers are based upon one single premise, that the sales of the combined companies will continue to grow and the new organization will flourish. Yet we all know that this is not always the case. Many sales mergers reflect a drop in sales revenues the first year or two of the new company. Management files this under "Integration Issues." Your job is to maintain your existing team and merge it with the new team. How? There just are not any playbooks on how to bring two salesforces together. Well, not published anyway.

As a principal sales leader in one of the most successful medical device mergers, I have the knowledge and the experience to make your salesforce integration a successful one. The proof? Year one of that integration sales were 588 million, four years later sales were 1.13 Billion. Give us a call, we can help you achieve your goals.